The Daily Divot: 8-foot Putts
8-foot Putts
“Knowing the best players in the world hole only 1/2 of their 8 foot putts is pretty comforting. Anything outside that you’re more likely to miss…If you’re a tour player! Practice well and stick to things under your control. You can’t force it. Some days putts drop some they don’t.”
-Ross MacLeod (@rossmacleodputt)
I responded to Ross saying, “Knowing the odds of holing out from various distances helped me quite a bit. I don’t get angry at missed 12-footers, as long as I give it a good roll I’m content.”
Make Rates from 8 feet:*
Tiger Woods: 52%
A Scratch Golfer: 41%
90’s Golfer: 27%
I will be digging deeper into this subject in a future edition of the newsletter but for now, I’ll leave you with this:
Tiger misses almost half of his putts from 8 feet! So give yourself some slack. Put a good stroke on the ball and don’t let the results dictate your mood or analysis.
*Sources: The Four Foundations of Golf, Mark Broadie, Lou Stagner